The Music of Some Indian Tribes of Colombia

The Music of Some Indian Tribes of Colombia - cover
including pdf of 94 pages of notes!


9 responses to “The Music of Some Indian Tribes of Colombia”

  1. thanks so much for sharing these amazing albums!! (and the extensive liner notes!)
    i read about this record for the first time the other day and i didn’t think i would ever hear it but, hey!

  2. electropeasant Avatar

    you’re very welcome! i’m glad you found them. sometimes i feel a bit crazy for putting so much time and attention into disseminating an artifact that i found (at the public library), but universe wants it this way! besides, there are so many pristine cultural/anthropological artifacts deserving of digitization that we all need to pick up where anthems for the nation of luobaniya and the ill fated holy warbles left off.

    i have been cutting up loops from and remixing this record and will start to post my remixes and reconfigurations of this (and other) music in due time. thanks for participating!

  3. don’t feel crazy! there’s needs to be more blogs like this and anthems for the nation of luobaniya that only post incredible (and rare) traditional music. take a gander at my blog if you haven’t already i’m sure there will be some musics of interest to you. speaking of holy warbles, do you have the unesco cameroon. baka pygmy music lp that was originally posted there? if you do it would be amazing if you could re-upload it

  4. mario galeano Avatar
    mario galeano

    Hello ! this content is no longer avaliable. I am writting from Colombia and I am very interested in this material both audio and texts. PLEASE can you get in touch?? THANKS

    1. electropeasant Avatar

      hi! i just fixed everything, please download. those records are great, as are the notes, which i laboriously compiled. sorry they were down! note about this to follow.. x

  5. Thanks for re-upload this!!!

  6. Dear Electropeasant,
    For some reason I only recently discovered your blog, which seems to be full of amazing and interesting music!
    Unfortunately, there seems to be a problem with the Adrive links. When I try to download, I seem to get stuck in a loop, with a message saying “The public file you are trying to download is busy due to extreme demand. This page will automatically attempt to access the requested file in one minute, or you can try again now.”
    However, this never works and the same message keeps popping up. I have tried this many times (different days, differents times in the day – and night).
    Is there any chance you could re-up this with a different kind of link?
    I (and other with me, I’m sure) would be very greatful!
    All the best,

    1. electropeasant Avatar

      I finally got around to getting this together again! Thanks for your patience, and I hope you enjoy the music.

      All best,

      1. Candle Mambo Avatar
        Candle Mambo

        Great! Thank you very very much!
        This is such wonderful stuff!

        All the best

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